Friday, November 24, 2006

The unresolved being of 'doing'

In the 1975 section of the IIS, Castoriadis set out to elaborate the being of 'doing' but it was gradually eclipsed by the being of 'signification'. Although 'doing' remained central to him throughout his trajectory, its elucidation remained fragmentary. Some interesting points of tension arise with this twofold aspect of social-historical modes of being and is evident in his writings on 'doing' and his later post 1990 thematic on the 'autonomy of art'. This tension was not, in my view, resolved in his thought. It is especially evident between the temporality of the doing of 'folk' art/cultural forms as non-commodified - or even 'authentic' - cultural creativity and Castoriadis' increasig insistence on the Kantian interpretation of art as the 'positing of new forms'.

I'd be very interested to hear your views on this.


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