Monday, January 15, 2007

The Nordic Castoriadis Study Circle - some data

The Nordic Circle for Castoriadis Studies - "Creation, Rationality and Autonomy" - will soon have its first gathering at Södertörn University College, Stockholm, Sweden. This is a week end with paper sessions and discussions. The aim of the study circle is to strengthen the research and general awareness of Castoriadis oeuvre. The Nordic Summer University is based on non-hierarchical communalism, voluntary work and friendly exploration of ideas, much in the spirit of Castoriadis.

The following sessions are planned - albeit not fixed concerning place and themes:
Winter Symposium 2007: "Bureaucracy and Autonomous Society" - Stockholm

Summer Session 2007: "What is the Social-Historical?" - Wik, near Uppsala/Stockholm

Winter Symposium 2008 - Akureyri, Iceland

Summer Session 2008 - somewhere in Finland

Winter Symposium 2009 - Delfi, Greece

Summer Session 2009 - somewhere in Denmark

The Nordic Summer University is mainly funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers, with the objective of furthering Nordic academic work that has no institutional 'home' elsewhere. Therefore, Nordic participants will be prioritized, and travel subvention is only avaliable for these groups. However, international participants are more than welcome to fill up the sessions!


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