Sunday, February 11, 2007

Castoriadis Réinventer l'autonomie Paris March 1-3

This year, it will be 10 years since the passing away of Cornelius Castoriadis. The University of Paris VIII - which has an interesting story /here in English connected to May 68 - and the University of Cergy-Pontoise, are marking this event with a grand conference, announced on the front page of Association Castoriadis here

We invite bloggers and commentators who will participate at this conference to discuss contributions and upcoming/ongoing discussions on this blog. As this is a group blog - with a majority of sleeping bloggers - you are welcome to sign up as a blogger and create new posts.

Participants from the Nordic Castoriadis study circle will be there!

(See programme in comment)


At 12:47 PM, Blogger NSU Network Group 8 said...

Cornelius Castoriadis (1922-1997)
Réinventer l’autonomie
Colloque organisé par l’université Paris 8
et l’université de Cergy-Pontoise
Jeudi 1er, vendredi 2 et samedi 3 mars 2007
A l’occasion des dix ans de la disparition de Cornelius Castoriadis,
l’université Paris 8 et l’université de Cergy-Pontoise organisent un colloque sur
son oeuvre et sa pensée. Centré autour du thème de l’autonomie, ce colloque est
l’occasion de revenir sur l’acquis et sur l’actualité de l’une des pensées
philosophiques les plus fécondes de ces cinquante dernières années en France.
Organisateurs : Nicolas Poirier, Sion Elbaz, Blaise Bachofen
Contact :
Jeudi 1er mars 2007 (université Paris 8, Amphi X)
Théorie et pratique
Matinée – Présidence : Sion Elbaz (u. Paris 8)
10h. Jean-Claude Poizat (u. Cergy-Pontoise) : « L’imagination chez Arendt et
Castoriadis »
11h. Laurent van Eynde (Facultés Universitaires Saint-Louis de Bruxelles) :
« Castoriadis et la dialectique (négative) de la raison »
12h. Nicolas Poirier (u. Cergy-Pontoise) : « La pensée philosophique de Castoriadis à
l’époque de Socialisme ou Barbarie »
Après-midi – Présidence : Alain Caillé (u. Paris X)
14h. Jean-Pierre Dupuy (Ecole Polytechnique et u. Stanford) : « Les technique de
l’auto-organisation »
15h. Thomas Fabre (ENS-Cachan) : « La notion de décroissance économique a-t-elle
un avenir ? »
16h. Pierre Dumesnil (Institut National des Télécommunications, groupe ETOS) : « Il
n’y pas de topologie économique »
Vendredi 2 mars (université Paris 8, Amphi X)
L’individu, la société, l’histoire
Matinée – Présidence : Nicolas Poirier (u. Cergy-Pontoise)
10h. Olivier Fressard (u. Paris 8) : « Faut-il relativiser l’opposition entre autonomie et
hétéronomie ? »
11h. Robert Legros (Université Libre de Bruxelles) : « Castoriadis et la question de
l’autonomie »
12h. Patrick Massa (u. Versailles-St-Quentin) : « Trajectoires sociales et consolidation
de la structure de classe : Castoriadis, Lefort, Souyri »
Après-midi – Présidence : Bruno Cany (Paris 8)
14h. Edgar Morin (CNRS) : « Les bases bio-physiques de l’autonomie »
15h. Arnaud Tomes (u. Strasbourg II) : « Causalité et création dans le socialhistorique
16h. Frédéric Nef (EHESS) : titre à venir
Samedi 3 mars (Université de Cergy-Pontoise)
La politique
Matinée – Présidence : Blaise Bachofen (u. Cergy-Pontoise)
9h15. Antoine Chollet : (I.E.P. Paris) : « La question de la démocratie : Lefort et
Castoriadis »
10h. Philippe Caumières (professeur agrégé de philosophie) : « Pouvoir, politique,
autonomie »
11h. Gilles Labelle (u. Ottawa) : « La notion de démocratie chez Castoriadis »
12h. Sophie Klimis (FNRS-Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis de Bruxelles) : « Des
apories de l’homme royal au projet du citoyen-roi : Castoriadis sur le Politique de
Platon »
Après-midi – Présidence : Pierre Rosanvallon (Collège de France)
14h. Vincent Descombes (EHESS) : « Sur la notion de pouvoir instituant »
15h. Philippe Raynaud (u. Paris II) : « Castoriadis et l’autonomie : entre démocratie et
révolution »
16h. Daniel Bensaïd (u. Paris 8) : « La notion de politique chez Castoriadis »

At 8:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like you to inform me, if you can, of course, about the following two subjects:
1) Are the 'Reinventer l' autonomie' conference memoirs going to be published some when in the near future?
2) Do you know if the 'Human creation' seminar series have been published?

At 8:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1) I think so - will keep you posted when I know more, or others might give a better answer.

2) The latest publication from Seuil is Fenêtre sur le chaos (2007); possibly the one you're thinking of?

At 6:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can check this in where there is a complete bibliography. You can check also

At 11:24 AM, Blogger NSU Network Group 8 said...

Links are in the sidebar ...

At 10:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even I reallly 'ld like it, I'm not going to be able to be in Paris the following three days. I wonder if the speeches could be taped and uploaded in this blog..

At 4:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The conference went well, and the talks were good, although I have to subtract a few points for language, as some talks were too fast and/or with poor pronounciation + microphones that were so-so. The greatest philosophical joy for me was Gilles Labelle from Ottawa. He went deeply into the concept of autonomy as cast by Castoriadis in Ce qui fait la Grèce, asking whether there is not a deep ambivalence involved. My french is too poor to bring forth his points in any fullness, but I understood that autonomy as coined by Castoriadis involves one the one hand taking one's share/sa part (democratically, moïra), but also taking more than one's share, in asking all the troublesome questions, without respecting any established knowledge or authority; cf. a standing out in excellence, the competitive aspect of Athenian democracy (the hybris of the hero).

There seems to be a certain overstraining/overburdening of the autonomous subjectivity thus described.

I really hope these thoughts will appear in writing, as I sense they are important. Also, if someone can fill me in, that would be great!

At 1:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was astonished that Edgar Morin held a talk on autonomy which had nothing whatsoever to do with the thinking of Castoriadis.

At 7:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gilles Labelles homepage

At 3:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Evangelos: As far as I know the seminars "La creation humaine" have been published in French. The first volume under the title "Sujet et verite", by Seuil, 2002.


At 7:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Evangelos, and anonymous:

Sorry I was so slow in publishing your comments. There has been a change in the Blogger system, making the comments hide in a totally different area.

The papers from the blog will be published, and will be announced here. Sorry we could not record and upload them ..


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